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Legacy P34BIBLE
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P34BIBLE FREE ZONE | P34BIBLE USER AREAWhat is the Pick34 Bible?The Pick34 Bible is one of most comprehensive Monthly publications for the avid Pick 3 and Pick 4 player. The Book starts out with a selected monthly saying from the bible and by establishing a group of numbers it provides a selection of numbers to play.These numbers are structured into 3 Pick 3 Books (Singles, Doubles and Triples) and 4 Pick 4 Books (Singles, Doubles, Triples and Quadruples).In addition the Bible gives you the most likely alternate keys and pairs selection to improve your personal selections even further.What makes the Pick34 Bible different from other Numbers publications?Less Numbers While other publications in this area provide the reader with more than hundred numbers (without doubles) just for Pick 3 the Pick34 Book needs only 50 singles to be accurate and offers doubles and even triples in addition but it keeps the number selection well below a hundred.
Pick 4 Numbers are included Another difference is that publications usually avoid Pick 4 numbers or just touch them on the side because the chances for success are better by showing many Pick 3 numbers. The Pick34 Book includes Pick4 numbers in a separate section with good chances to win.
| Easy to read The Pick34 Bible also avoids many advertisements and other contents that is not related to the Number selection. Instead of confusing pictures the numbers are clearly structured and easy to evaluate.
No waiting for mail or email! You do not have to wait for the numbers to be sent via Email or Postal Service. You just log into the Pick34Bible.com Web Site and access the numbers immediately.
| How to use the numbers?First of all the numbers the Pick34 Bible provides you with are very likely numbers for the time period they are created for. You cannot play them all - of course - but by looking that numbers recently drawn and compare them with the numbers in the Book to will excellent playing selections.Look at the previous draw! A good way of finding the right numbers from the list is to find numbers that have one number in common with the previously drawn number. The easy-to-read structure of the book is a great help for that.
Play numbers that are similar to your personal favorite selection! If you have a number preference you should add the numbers that are close to those to your list of choices. The book changes monthly so the choices will reflect a certain time frame.
| Play the numbers more than once! A very important factor in number selection is that you have to keep in mind that - like for the weather - sometimes expected results happen a day or two later. So play your selections more than once.
Eliminate recent hits! The book is a monthly publication prepared for all lotteries. Depending on the location you are playing you can quickly reduce the number to play by marking the current hits.
| What about the success rate?Compared to other publications the success rate is very high. In the Pick 3 section you be sure that the numbers hit every second or third time for sure. Often even more! In the Pick 4 category it will be every fifth time but you only look at 115 numbers from all 10,0000 possible numbers (0000 to 9999). |
Courtesy of Pick34.com | Thursday, Sept. 12, 2024 |
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