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Reducing your Numbers The many ways of eliminating numbers from your selection
A common problem: You simply have too many numbers selected to accommodate your playing budget. So the question is: How do you reduce the numbers on the list?Generally speaking there are two ways of reducing numbers:A static reduction, meaning the reduction is not related to the previous draws or other factors.A variable reduction, meaning the reduction is based on previous results and other influences.That said you can use either way or - more commonly - a combination of the two. One thing both ways have typically in common: To reduce numbers you are using filters. While there are as many options as their are lottery players below a list of the most commonly used filter reductions, static and variable. We are looking at Pick 3 numbers in particular but the concept of reduction can also be used for Pick 4 lotteries.Static Reductions:As the reductions do not change they do not need any input in regards to the previous draws or other factors. That makes them easy-to-use without any additional research work.Eliminate combinations with only high and only low digits:In Pick 3 this reduction cuts out 25% of all 1000 numbers. That is a good start.Eliminate combinations with only even and only odd digits:Also here In Pick 3 this reduction takes out 25% of all 1000 numbers.Select only Singles:Singles are the most commonly drawn numbers as they represent 72% of all possible Pick 3 numbers. In regards to budget they are the efficient numbers to play. The reduction achieved is 28%.Playing Clean Numbers only:Clean numbers are single numbers with at least one high, one low, one even and one odd digit. With that it is a combination of all three reduction listed above. This reduction eliminates 508 numbers (or 50.8%).Eliminate combinations by sum range:The most commonly drawn sums are within the ranges 8 to 19. That provides you with the static option to eliminate all the numbers outside of this range (0 to 7 and 20 to 27). It reduces 24% of all numbers.To increase the reduction you could select only the ranges 9 to 18 for an additional reduction of 9% and a total of 33%.There are numerous other static options but these should give you a feel for static reductions to use and to get you started.Variable Reductions:These reductions require input; typically obtained from previous draw results. Commonly you are looking that hot, cold, due and recent filters or a combination of those.Select numbers with the most recently drawn digits:If the most recently drawn number was a single number selecting only numbers with at least on of these drawn digits brings the 1000 possible numbers down by 34.3% because in 65.7% of all cases the next draw has at least one repeating digit (again, if the previous draw was a single).Select numbers with the 3 most due digits:By tracking the most recent draws you can easily determine the three digits that are the farthest out. Selecting numbers with at least one of these 3 digits included cuts out 34.3% of all numbers.Select numbers with the 3 hottest digits:"Hot" digits are digits that recently happened the most. By tracking for example the most recent 50 draws you can simply count how often each digits occurred and select the hottest 3 digits for this reduction as those are the ones that happened the most. Same as with the due digits the reduction of all 1000 numbers is 34.3%.Select numbers with the 3 coldest digits:As the opposite to "hot" digits "cold" digits are digits that recently happened the least. Again by tracking the most recent 50 draws you can easily determine the digits that occurred the least amount of draws. Same as with the hot digits you reduce the 1000 numbers by 34.3%.The concept of 3 hot, 3 recent, 3 cold or 3 due filters can also be used of cut sums, root sums, pairs and many other filters. There are no limits to your options.The Pick34.com and P34SUG.com web sites provide various options for tracking numbers and with that give you the input needed to reduce your numbers more quickly and more efficiently, such as the statistics charts, chances and expectations. In addition there are a number of tools available to help you simplify and streamline the reduction process for both static and variable reductions.GOOD LUCK! |
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